Turning professionals to consultants


David Ramírez Gutiérrez is an independent business consultant with 30+ years of experience. Throughout the last few years he has been a professor teaching at university level, as well as a mentor for business owners and entrepreneurs.

Exploration phase

During Q2 of 2019 David launched his most recent project; DEXAC. A 6 month course that teaches working professionals to become independent consultants.

Given the fact that it was a relatively new project, the challenge was for us to create a solid brand presence that could grow an audience and generate new leads.

Site homepage

Building the foundation

We started by creating a digital ecosystem to convert David's promotional efforts. We created a website which presented an overview of who David is and his value proposition.

Once we built the site, we had a reference for new users, and a platform where we could capture leads from social media.

Creating brand awareness

Now that David's value proposition is established we moved into creating awareness for the project. We intended to:
a) Increase engagement with current followers and new users.
b) Generate more sign ups to AMA calls.

Our plan was to increase awareness through social media. We decided to incorporate the use of videos to complement the banners that David wal already using. We created a set of videos expanding on the value proposition.

Marketing funnel

The customer journey

Potential customers could arrive from different sources; however, for this project specifically we defined a structured journey that could grab the attention of the target audience and take it through our signup process.

Designing a funnel allowed us to keep track of specific leads, measure the effectiveness of the organic video campaign, and start testing the digital ecosystem (social media - website) for future campaigns.


Zoom call registration
User journey
Video screenshot
Video campaign

The most effective format

Throughout this project we found that a video presentation of the course resulted in much greater engagement in comparison with the previously used methods: Banners, and direct sales.


Once we defined the importance of organic video promotion, the two main variables that came into play were time (prior to the launch of the course) and frequency (the amount of times the course was promoted through videos).

We adjusted to a larger time frame before the course was launched. We intended to have 2 Presentation/AMA Zoom calls with potential participants instead of the 1 call we made for the 2nd edition of the course

Final result: For the third edition of the course we saw a 48% increase in total engagements in social media. In addition to that, a 2x increase on the amount of AMA calls -prior to this project, only one AMA was launched- that allowed David to get in touch with more potential customers.