One click away from your ideal furniture

A family business

Le Paysage was founded 50 years ago. They offer high quality frames, and for the last 9 years they have been diversifying into producing stock and custom furniture.

Business ran 100% in-person transactions

With fewer people visiting the store during 2020 and the first half of 2021, Le Paysage was missing out on sales. At this point they decided that a digital channel was very much needed for the future. The challenge was to leverage their online presence to continue growing.

Shift to online customer journey

The solution provided consisted on building a custom platform that could carry out 3 main functionalities:

  • Allow visitors to select furniture dimensions in the platform.
  • Allow visitors to select furniture dimensions in the platform.
  • Allow visitors to select furniture dimensions in the platform.

Pros: Remarketing opportunities, Measurement (Traffic, customers, revenue, social media marketing), delivery logistics already in place, No time or physical restrictions.

We enabled the user to access everything Le Paysage offered, through the web.

Store products can now be listed online

Integrated payment getaway

Post-buy notifications to guide the customer through their journey.

Product delivery


Customized products

Not only are customers now able to purchase stock products directly from the website, but they can also request custom furniture through the site. This functionality is the main Unique Selling Point as it is not a common feature among furniture stores in Mexico.

Admin panel

The creation of a fully customized admin panel is built with the business employees in mind.
We intend to increase effectiveness by giving them access to a set of tools that they can easily create and edit products and keep track of customers' operations in addition to a glance at basic sales metrics.

Admin panel

Project highlights

Edit gallery
Admin panel
Interior design
Site homepage

A new process

The online platform is launching during Q1 of 2022. The objective is to look into sales and efficiency:

Compare in-store sales with online sales in terms of volume and quantity to assess the online conversion rate and overall effectiveness of the platform.

All about simplifying

The platform seeks to enhance internal workflow, it is one of the main objectives.
We intend to make it a matter of a very few minutes to publish a product online and put it in front of the target audience through Le Paysage digital platforms.

The question we will be answering is:
To what extent is it beneficial for the business to shift their focus online?
-Conversion time
-Marketing ROI